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Adresa de e-mail a fostului ministru al Economiei, Varujan Vosganian, VIRUSATĂ

Adresa de e-mail a fostului ministru al Economiei, Varujan Vosganian, VIRUSATĂ

Replica API 8 februarie 2014 | 00:00 182

Fostul ministru al Economiei, Varujan Vosganian, are probleme cu adresa de e-mail. Potrivit unei postări semnată de Vosganian, cineva "probabil" i-a spart mail-ul, ori, mai degrabă, i-a fost virusat.

"Iată ce apel disperat primesc, de câteva minute, persoanele cu care am comunicare prin e-mail, utilizându-se adresa mea pe care, probabil, cineva a "spart-o":

I'm writing this with tears in my eyes, my family and I came down here to Ukraine, for a short vacation and got mugged at the park of the hotel we lodged, all our cash, credit card and Cell Phone were stolen off us at GUN POINT, but luckily for us we still have our passports with us but don't have enough money to sort the bills so we can get out of here. We've been to the embassy and the police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves soon, but we're having problems settling the hotel bills,the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills.

Really I'm freaked out at the moment. Wondering if you could help us with a quick loan,I promise I'll refund it once we get home.Please write me so i can send you the info on how you can get the money to us.


Nu sunt în Ucraina. Şi, fireşte, nu vă rog, cu lacrimi în ochi, să-mi trimiteţi bani. Rămâne, totuşi, tema de fond, a vulnerabilităţii comunicării pe internet", notează Varujan Vosganian.


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